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Client Testimonial: Louise Finch

Just another statistic? 

Far from it!

If you or someone close to you has faced up to the nightmare of a cancer diagnosis, then you will understand exactly how Louise felt. 

Louise is a 49-year-old mother who has recently come through several difficult rounds of chemotherapy. In September 2021, devastated by her hair loss, Louise faced the decision of how best to cope with how she looked, and how she felt about it. 

“I felt more upset about losing my hair than my mastectomies. For me having a good hair day over any other aesthetic thing was most important. Not that I had that many before!”

Headscarves were a quick and easy way to mask her hair loss, but she discovered that she wasn’t terribly good at fashioning them. The thought of wearing a wig wasn’t a pleasant one, but Louise decided that it was worth investigating. When your options are limited, it’s worth exploring alternatives and challenging preconceived ideas. 

“I knew of Hair to Ware 15 years ago when a friend had breast cancer. I then knew Amanda through our daughters being in the same class through primary school.”

While Louise knew Amanda on a friendly level, approaching her as a client was very uncomfortable. She felt uneasy sharing this deeply personal experience with a fellow school mum and a local lady. 

As it happens, she needn’t have worried. Amanda and her team are incredibly invested in both the physical and emotional well-being of their clients, while still offering exceptional solutions to thorny problems. 

“Wearing wigs helped so much. There were dark days where nothing helped but overall having wigs gave me confidence, made a fun aspect of a horrendous situation and helped me to feel as close to myself during a time where my body didn’t feel like my own.”

Louise concludes the comments on her experience by saying, “I will always be grateful to her and the girls for such sensitivity, confidence and kindness. I came away from my very first session with Amanda filled with hope and even some excitement. During the darkest times, I felt reassured that this will pass and I will journey through my hair loss and wig-wearing and go on to extensions if I felt I wanted to. I’ve had laughs with the girls and I have welled up but not once did I feel like I didn’t want to be there. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you and especially Amanda for what you’ve done for me ????

A cancer diagnosis and the treatments that inevitably follow are challenging for even the strongest among us. But, don’t feel that you have to face it alone, especially while there are people who understand – first hand – what you are dealing with, and are here to help.
If you are struggling with hair loss of any kind and would like to chat with one of our qualified consultants, please get in touch with us, we would love to chat.