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I’ve had Alopecia for 25 years now and every year, come holiday time I have a meltdown…

Yes, normal stuff like “Why didn’t I tone this belly more?” “Must get a pedi” but what freaks me out the most is my hair… or should I say, “Lack of Hair”!

My brain goes into overdrive…  “Will I try and brave the beach wig free this year?”  “Which wig will I take?” “What excuse can I come up with about not going to the waterpark… again!”

Well, I’ve learnt some great tips from our fabulous clients over the years and discovered some great ones myself. So, I thought I’d share them with you guys

  1. Pack your wigs in breathable bags (I just got six for £2.99, from eBay)
  2. Are you travelling with your partner or friends? Make use of their baggage and pack your wigs in different cases, just in case your baggage goes AWOL! Travelling on your own? – one in your main case and one in hand luggage.
  3. Stands – I like the wardrobe stands, doesn’t scare the cleaners when they pop in!
  4. Take more than one Wig. Old Wigs for the day, Favourite ones for the evening (just like your outfits).
  5. For Fibre Wigs – lots of Fibre Oil Conditioning Spray – we sell cute fibre travel packs on our online shop.
  6. Human Hair Wigs – good hair masks, I love ”Pureology – Hydrate Mask & Condition Spray”.
  7. A Halo (10% discount on your first purchase from our online shop using coupon code H2W2019). It’s a “Half Wig”, this is my absolute saviour… On extra hot days teamed with a cute hat and some big earrings, I swim and snorkel in mine with a waterproof bandana pulled on tight.
  8. Bandanas – I have three, a waterproof one that matches my bikini (basics!!), and two cotton ones made by Eadichops. I may even brave wearing my bandana without the Halo this year.
  9. Your Wig will be absolutely fine going through the metal detectors at the airport. There is more wire in your bra that in your wig, I promise. You just have to “own it” with the awkward look from the security guard if they search your bag!
  10. Freshly topped up brows and eyeliner – Donna has just kindly freshened mine up so “No Make-up Mand” won’t mean no brows or eyes lashes… literally! I wear a lot of makeup to disguise my Alopecia. I love wearing it but It has become a security blanket from the start when I first lost all my hair at 14! Now with fresh SPMU I won’t be slapping it on!
  11. Most importantly. Have fun, Control this Hair Loss – don’t let it control you ????