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When you’ve made the decision to invest in a quality wig, we know that you want it to look its very best for as long as possible. You’ve likely read tons of reviews on how long each type of wig lasts and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, and you have certain expectations. 

With that in mind, we’re talking about wig oxidisation, what exactly it is, and how you prevent it. 

What is Wig Oxidisation?

In simple terms, oxidisation refers to the fading or lighting of hair, such as when a red or a blonde tone turns yellow or brassy. The sun’s UV rays have an effect on pretty much everything, and our hair is no different. The rate that this happens will vary depending on several factors such as care, wig type, and environment.

The bottom line is that if you’re investing in a human hair wig, you can expect those hair strands to react the same way to environmental factors as they would under any other circumstances.

Hair Care Made Simple 

This year we have experienced all-time-high heat waves in the UK (and maybe a lovely holiday or two in scorching hot temperatures!) Of course, these are all enjoyable, but it really takes their toll on your wigs and toppers. Add to this excess sweating and possible salt/chlorinated water damage, sun creams and makeups – all of which place a lot of strain on your wigs.

So, what should you do to prevent oxidisation and keep your wig looking amazing for as long as possible? Let’s run through a few FAQs which will answer all your questions. 

How Long Should Your Wig Last?

We find that human hair wigs last longer than synthetic wigs. Human hair wigs last from around one year up if given proper love and care. Some wigs, such as Follea or our made-to-measure collection, can be maintained and rehaired, which gives them a longer life span. Most synthetic wigs will last about four to six months.

Maintaining Your Wig

The key thing to keeping your alternative hair looking and feeling healthy is to have regular colour work or refresh treatments. Additionally, you would want to make time for reconditioning services and regular trims. 

Like biological hair (hair that grows out of your head) that you may have coloured or treated, you must maintain it. And it’s the same with your alternative hair; you just don’t need to have it done as regularly (which is a bonus.)

To keep it at its best, you must have these regular services with us; it’s an exclusive service we only offer to our clients at Hair to Ware for both wigs and toppers.

We suggest every four months as a good starting point, but it’s not an exact science. Each wig reacts differently to its environment.

Further Factors

Additionally, the type of hair that you have in your wig will respond differently to various conditions. For example, Indian hair that has been heavily processed from black to blonde will need a lot more colour and treatments compared to fair virgin European hair that started out blonde. Permed wigs will lose colour quicker, too and the perms tend to drop faster. 

Moreover, most wigs are made from several different people’s hair which also influences its longevity and behaviour. 

Timely Advice

Once your wig has been fitted, we will advise you on how often to come and see us, depending on your specific wig.

Amanda says, “When you start out wearing your wigs, I can’t say enough please please please come in to us for regular services so we can ensure you are doing everything correctly. For example, using enough oil and treatment at home, not using too much heat or using the wrong products. These can cause damage that we cannot rectify if we don’t see you.

“As a wig wearer myself, I find mine always feel perfect for me after about three cuts or “tweak” sessions. And after its first colour, it feels just like me.”

What Makes Hair to Ware Different?

We know and understand that it takes time to get perfection.  We work professionally, slowly and never get scissor happy (it won’t grow back!) to achieve this for you.

Our team only work on alternative hair purchased from us. Why? Because we know the hair well, we are assured of the quality, plus we have received full training from our educators, suppliers and manufacturers. This ensures a consistently high professional result that will cause no damage or breakage to your purchase.

  • We will never use bleach on any alternative hair. 
  • We conduct colour strand tests on every human hair wig or topper before it’s coloured.
  • We do not use any nasties or cheaper alternatives in-house
  • We never use parabens, silicones or sulphates
  • All our colourists are highly trained professionals with qualifications and ongoing training in both hairdressing and alternative hair

Yes, investing in a real hair wig can be a big decision with many options to consider. There’s colour texture, style, length and, of course, the price. Rest assured that we have both the products and the expertise to guide you through what can often be a difficult decision. We can also assure you that our team understand the emotional rollercoaster you may be on – and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Contact us for more information or simply to answer any questions you may have.