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Hair loss affects many people worldwide, but there are many underlying causes of hair loss, determining the associated treatment. Receding hairlines are one type of hair loss that affects both men and women. Here’s what you need to know and how we at Hair to Ware can help!

What Is a Receding Hairline?

A receding hairline is where hair loss occurs along the sides of the scalp and tends to impact men more than women, with a large portion of men experiencing some form of receding hairline by their late 30s. However, this isn’t to say women aren’t affected, but its generally more a case of thinning hair, particularly at the apex of the scalp. 

What Are the Symptoms of a Receding Hairline?

Men can experience the receding of a hairline any time after puberty, often starting just above the temples and receding across the top of the head. While some might experience minor hair loss, others will experience a complete recession that eventually leaves only a ring of hair at the base of the scalp. While less frequent in women, there is still hair loss experienced in some cases, although it tends to be more hair thinning, particularly at the widow’s peak, rather than a receding hairline. 

Outside of the physical symptoms connected to a receding hairline, Hair to Ware always alerts clients to the psychological symptoms as well. Surveys have even been conducted that indicate hair loss can cause considerable damage to emotional health, as it negatively impacts confidence. 

How Do You Diagnose a Receding Hairline?

If you’re concerned you might be experiencing significant hair loss, we recommend making an appointment to see a dermatologist who will ask for a full personal and family medical history to get a complete picture. The medical professional will often perform a simple ‘pull test’ where they gently pull a few hairs to determine how many hairs come out and what quantity. Further to this, a biopsy of your scalp tissue or hairs could be taken to rule out any forms of infection or disease. Other underlying causes, such as a thyroid condition, can be picked up in a blood test. 

The Norwood Scale – Stages of Hair Loss

Also known as the Hamilton-Norwood Scale, a classification system used by clinicians to measure the extent of male-pattern baldness. This is because most men will typically lose their hair in an established pattern over many years, so standard images can be used as a form of reference. Hair to Ware specialists will also use this scale as a pricing point when it comes to hair loss treatments. 

The Norwood Scale Stages:

  • Stage 1: No noticeable loss of hair or recession of the hairline.
  • Stage 2: The mature hairline stage is where the hairline around the temples exhibits a slight recession.
  • Stage 3: There is significant hair loss, receding at the temples in the form of a U, V, or M shape OR stage 3 V (vertex): The variation where there are no changes in the mature hairline, but it’s accompanied by a significant loss of hair at the top of the head.
  • Stage 4: A severe recession of the hairline with sparse to no hair on the top of the scalp. There’s only a band of hair that connects hair on the two sides of the scalp.
  • Stage 5: The band of hair across the scalp becomes narrower and sparser; hair loss areas are bigger than the previous stage.
  • Stage 6: The connecting band of hair disappears or becomes sparse, while the balding area on the top of the head joins with the balding areas at the temples.
  • Stage 7: Only a band of hair across the sides of the scalp remains, but this hair may be thin. 

What Causes a Receding Hairline?

Many contributing factors can result in hair loss, and it’s important to consult with a dermatologist before deciding on a treatment option. To give you a better understanding, here’s a look at some of the causes of a hairline recession. 

Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) 

This is where you experience hair loss – alopecia – and scarring on the scalp, near the forehead. The affected skin might be pale, shiny and mildly scarred, and people with FFA can also lose eyebrows and eyelashes. (Read Natasha’s story on her journey with frontal fibrosing alopecia.)

Traction alopecia

Often experienced by women, traction alopecia is where hair starts to thin because of styles – such as being pulled back in a ponytail or braids – or even hair treatment options such as chemicals. 

Androgenic alopecia

Also known as male pattern baldness – hormones and family history contribute to hair loss in men. This starts as a receding hairline and hair loss on the top and front of the head. 

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL)

This is androgenic alopecia in women – a receding hairline or hair loss, generally starting with thinning hair on the scalp because of shedding or a reduction in hair volume.

Chronic telogen effluvium

Often confused with FPHL, this condition is a form of hair loss that affects the entire scalp, yet no underlying cause has been found. Some believe that this form of hair loss is linked to stress or anxiety. 


Hair loss is a natural part of ageing; our thousands of hair follicles grow hair, which will fall out and then regrow through the hair cycle. However, when hair follicles become damaged and we age, the hair doesn’t regrow, resulting in a receding hairline. 

Hormonal changes 

One cause of hair loss is hormonal changes. With male pattern baldness, a hormone known as DHT is believed to cause hair follicles to shrink to the point where they cannot grow any more hair. Pregnancy, too, can result in hair loss in women, as well as breastfeeding. 


Another major contributing factor to receding hairlines is an individual’s genes. Men with a history of baldness in the family are known to lose their hair. 


Some forms of medication or treatments might cause hair recession or loss, and often it will be temporary. Chemotherapy is one such example of hair loss.


As mentioned before, stress can be a contributing factor to hair loss or recession. However, other lifestyle choices can contribute to hair loss, such as unhealthy diets lacking in protein or smoking. 

What Are the Treatment Options for a Receding Hairline?

Once you’ve consulted with a medical practitioner about the underlying cause of your receding hairline, you can start looking at some effective treatment options. These can be medical, surgical or cosmetic treatments. 

Medical Treatments

Depending on your particular condition, a doctor could prescribe some form of medication to stimulate hair growth. Some of the common drugs used to treat hair loss include:

  • Finasteride – This is used for reducing male hair loss by slowing the rate that testosterone turns into DHT. 
  • Dutasteride – This is designed to treat enlarged prostates in men and can encourage hair growth or restoration. 
  • Minoxidil or Rogaine – This is an over-the-counter medication that also slows the rate of hair growth. 
  • Anthralin – This is a topical treatment that encourages new hair growth.
  • Corticosteroids – This reduces inflammation around hair follicles which allows them to open up and grow new hairs. 
  • Essential oils – Certain essential oils, such as peppermint and lavender oils, have shown to be promising hair-growth agents. 

Surgical Treatments

Some find a surgical solution for them, and while costly and invasive, this can be a long-term option. Hair transplants involve taking hairs and parts of the scalp from areas with more hair and transplanting them to the receding hairline. 

Laser Therapy

Also referred to as red light therapy or cold laser therapy, this is where a laser irradiates photons into the scalp tissues. These are absorbed by the weaker cells, and this encourages hair growth. 

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Hair to Ware offers state-of-the-art receding hairline treatment in the form of scalp micropigmentation, also known as hair tattooing. This has become a popular hair loss treatment that is cost-effective and provides a long-term and effective solution. SMP gives the appearance of shaved hair for men while providing the illusion of enhanced volume for women with hair receding at the apex. Hair to Ware has collaborated with the renowned Joe from Hairlusion for only the best UK-based scalp micropigmentation to enhance self-image and confidence. 


If you’re experiencing substantial hair recession, then you might want to consider a natural human hair wig. Hair to Ware stocks some of the world’s best quality wigs, carefully crafted using the best human hair for a much more natural look and feel. These incredibly durable products can be styled to your particular taste.

Hair Systems

A much lighter alternative to a wig is Hair to Ware’s hair systems which are also carefully tailored to your unique style. Also made from high-quality human hair, each system includes a flexible mesh that fits your existing hair securely. This allows you to shower, wash your hair and carry on as usual. 

Why Choose Hair to Ware

With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Hair to Ware consultants are well-versed in all forms of hair loss and the best treatment options. We work closely with each client, ensuring that you get all the support you need from the first consultation. For us, it’s about a holistic treatment option that works for the individual – we want you to leave us happy and feeling confident in yourself. 

Understanding the different receding hairline stages is essential for both men and women who are concerned about their hair health. At Hair to Ware, we empathize with the challenges faced by individuals experiencing a receding hairline, and we are here to provide guidance and support. Whether you’re dealing with front receding hairline stages or if you’re a female experiencing the progression of receding hairline stages, our team is dedicated to helping you regain confidence and find effective solutions. We believe that education is key, which is why our comprehensive article on the causes and treatment of receding hairlines covers a wide range of topics to provide you with the knowledge you need.

People Also Ask:

What are the different receding hairline stages?
Understanding the various receding hairline stages is crucial for those experiencing hair loss. It starts with a subtle thinning at the temples, often referred to as the early signs of hairline recession. As the condition progresses, the hairline continues to recede, forming a more noticeable M-shaped pattern. Eventually, it may reach an advanced stage where the hairline recedes further, leaving a prominent balding area at the front. Recognising these stages helps individuals monitor their hair health and seek appropriate receding hairline treatment options.

Are receding hairline stages common in females?
While receding hairline stages are commonly associated with men, it’s essential to recognize that women can also experience hairline recession. Female receding hairline stages may present differently, often beginning with a widening of the parting or thinning along the hairline.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, we aim to provide valuable information and reassurance to individuals seeking knowledge about receding hairline stages. Our commitment at Hair to Ware is to empower you with the understanding and tools necessary to navigate hair loss confidently and find effective solutions for your specific needs.